In 2005 Lékué was a company on the brink of disaster. After becoming a well-established provider of white label bathroom, kitchen and general cleaning goods for other international companies, e.g. IKEA, Lékué began working with silicone and developed ranges of kitchenware, becoming the first company in the world to manufacture silicone moulds for cookware. However, their white label business model and cheaper competition led to falling sales until the company was bought out in 2005 by a venture capital company and Xavier Costa was brought in as CEO to breathe new life into the business. Open innovation was used to steer Lékué back into positive figures. Gradually, by working with an industrial designer and others on the conceptual development and product design of an extensive and successful range of products, made of silicone rubber, for cooking, conserving, decorating and transporting food, Lékué managed to revolutionize the cookware sector under its own brand.

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